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BLINDSPOT INSTITUTE believes research underpins high-quality ethical practice.

We bring together researchers, students, patients and the general public who are interested in exploring pre-defined research areas. This might take the form of preliminary data gathering, focus groups, workshops, and sharing expertise and lived experience.

Such research includes case studies, field observations, action research and interviews. It may also include preplanned and structured surveys or self-report questionnaires to obtain feedback and determine trends. There are no ‘experts’ in the room, rather shared learning from all walks of life, so you do not have to be a researcher to join in.

If you want to take part in research, this opportunity is open to anyone and it’s free, or there may be a small fee related to workshops or taking part in a research project to cover related administrative costs for certain projects or when working in partnership with other organisations.

Our current project is preliminary data gathering of individuals’ unique experiences of shame and humiliation using clean language (Grove, 1980), partnering with Clean Learning (Blindspot is volunteering its time) and the programme starts Nov 6th 2023.

You can register HERE.

The research question is: How can AI be harnessed to expedite data analysis enabling a robust examination of the dimensions of shame and humiliation using clean language to model individual subjective experiences?

We will be asking clean questions: Humiliation for you is like what? Shame for you is like what? Bringing individuals models of both into conscious awareness, creating potential for change.

You can join this current project by registering, or joining our mailing list for future projects by emailing: and notifying BLINDSPOT RESEARCH GROUP in the subject line.